Viviane Hardy
Viviane comes originally from a dance background, having danced professionally with the Palais des Beaux Arts, Charleroi and Liege in her home country of Belgium. She qualified as a physiotherapist in 1992 (ISCAM Bruxelles). Viviane then worked as a physiotherapist in Singapore and Hong Kong, where she trained as a Pilates teacher with Julia Ellis and Rochenda Rydeard, and followed her training into teaching there.
On returning to the UK Viviane joined the Pilates Foundation in 1997 and worked at the Trevor Blount studio in South Kensington for two years. Viviane founded her own private studio in Surbiton in 1999 where she teaches one to one and small group classes combining physiotherapy and Pilates. She also teaches bigger group mat classes in Thames Ditton
The Pilates Method has its origins in the work of the late Joseph Pilates, born in 1880 in Germany. He was a frail child and turned to physical fitness programmes to improve his body image, becoming a keen sportsman. Pilates based his work on three principles: breath, whole-body health and whole-body commitment; with the whole-body encompassing MIND, BODY and SPIRIT.
It is in the honouring of the Pilates Principles that the depth of the work is achieved. These Principles are traditionally cited as: BREATH, CONCENTRATION, CENTERING, CONTROL, PRECISION and FLOW.
Pilates exercise is designed to improve balance and flexibility as well as alleviate back pain and previous injuries. By regularly practising Pilates with a trained instructor, you’ll find yourself looking and feeling healthier, with a better posture and a better outlook on life! It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, or your level of physical fitness.
Get in touch
Telephone: 07703 26 36 95 | Email: info@vivianehardypilates.co.uk
Studio: Viviane Hardy Pilates Studio
Address: 9 Moresby Avenue, Surbiton, KT5 9DT